United Mini Mart at 8123 3rd Avenue sells the tickets (3rd Avenue and 81st Street) it’s across the street diagonally from Brooklyn Market.Their number is: 71 This is the candy store across the street from Foodtown (or three stores away from Panentico). 9116 Smoke (formerly Sapan Convenience Store) at 9116 – 3rd Avenue.
( SGS Travelscope’s stops are listed above) $49 Mike’s Donuts on 3rd Avenue and Bay Ridge Avenue (across the street from the Alpine Theater sells tickets for SGS’s bus to Atlantic City.These places sell tickets for same day return. Where can you purchase a ticket for the Atlantic City from Bay Ridge?
Oldies music and bingo on the way there, a movie on the way back. MCSE, Martha Stewart Wanna Be.Ģ) Every Sunday, Arlene has a bus with multiple locations for pickup. I'm the Queen of the Click.Brooklynite taking over the world from her computer.